Is September too early to start thinking about Christmas? Well, plans are already well underway for Haslemere’s Christmas Charities Fair, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary on Saturday, November 23, from 10am to 2pm at Haslemere Hall.
This event is the only multi-charity market in the town’s calendar, welcoming not-for-profit organisations, volunteer groups, and registered charities to book a stall.

The Haslemere Rotary Club, which took over organising the Fair from BLISS Baby Charity in 2021, has secured funding from Haslemere Town Council and a generous private supporter to celebrate this milestone. This means there will be NO CHARGE for stall tables, though donations to BLISS and Rotary Charities are still welcomed.
With more than 30 stalls offering gifts, homemade cakes, handcrafted goods, a grotto, and more, the Fair has something for everyone. Entry is free to the public. For stall bookings, contact Dianne Bennett at [email protected]