A number of Haslemere Border Athletics Club athletes have attempted new challenges – and they all surpassed their goals.
Club head coach Daniel Allaway had qualified to participate in the GB Masters series in 10km and half marathon distances. For Daniel the first event was the 10km, which was held in Birmingham and saw him race against some of the best runners in England and Wales. Daniel finished in a superb time of 36.09, to finish sixth in his age group. An amazing achievement, with Daniel once again showing that with the right training you can reach your goals.

The following day a group of five determined but nervous ladies took part in their first triathlon. They were equipped with their trusty bikes – some of which had not been ridden for many years – and their new tri-suits.

Tina Parmenter had instigated the idea, first persuading Gemma Reeder to enter, then Janet Govan – who at the time could only swim 25 metres and was fearful of cycling. Janet cajoled Karen Sinclair and Ann Varnes to enter, with a little assistance of a wine or two.

Starting with the swim, all five swam with nearly perfect techniques, securing cheers from fellow competitors when exiting the pool, although for Ann and Janet the exiting almost took as long as the swim. The next discipline was the cycling, and there was further success as all five remained on their bikes. The final discipline was the run. With everyone confident in the discipline, the team flew round the course and triumphantly crossed the line.

The team of five were thrilled with their first triathlon – and for some their last! It was proof that ability, age and fears need not stand in the way of reaching goals. Determination and courage got the triathletes to the finish.
By Ann Varnes