Liphook Horticultural Society wowed attendees at their Summer Show at the Church Centre in Liphook on July 20.
Not to be beaten by this year’s unpredictable weather, the community turned out in force, filling the Church Hall with flowers, veg and all-things edible. The Show Secretaries said this year's event was one of the best in recent memory, with a nearly 20 per cent increase in entries compared to the previous year.

The event's highlights included competitive classes for cut flowers, hydrangeas, and phlox. The cookery judge was the envy of everyone thanks to numerous entries, including ten Victoria sponges and nine plates of cheese biscuits. The stand-out in the children’s classes was the edible necklace category.

Malcolm Harvey celebrated his debut victory in the floral art section with his "Seashore" entry. Ann Haussauer, the Society's Secretary, secured multiple awards: the cup for her sweet peas, a vase of cut flowers, and the Halahan Challenge Cup for top exhibitor in the flower classes. She also claimed the prestigious Banksian Medal for winning the most prize money.

Ian Haussauer, president of the society, took home the Arthur Liddiard Cup for soft fruit and the Royal British Legion Coronation Cup. Marie Claire Hull's lily earned her the Halahan Best Exhibit Cup and the floral art exhibit award. John Gilbert won the Dudley Paul Cup for the best vegetable exhibit. Diana Pont received accolades for her roses, Frances Town-John clinched the Fuchsia Cup, and Betty Holt secured the Cookery Cup.
The children's winners included Harry Archer in the 8 and over classes and Chloe Langley for the under 8's. Lesley Hollands provided cakes for attendees to enjoy.

All are invited to the next show on September 7. Interested participants can contact Ann Haussauer at 01428 723045 or at