A council has confirmed it’s keen to splash the cash on an exciting extension to Whitehill & Bordon leisure centre.
Waves of excitement are washing over the town with news that East Hampshire District Council is keen to add a “fantastic family-friendly” extension to the centre’s pool with water slides and a splashzone planned.
A splash pad and “indoor aquatic adventure equipment” are also planned in a bid to provide an exciting attraction for the town’s youngsters and a draw for families across the district and beyond.
As previously reported in the Herald, early plans to expand the pool have been welcomed with EHDC cabinet members agreeing last week to further investigations into designs and costings.
The hope is to give Whitehill & Bordon Leisure Centre a niche not offered by the Taro Centre or Alton Sports Centre with EHDC leader, Cllr Richard Millard, speaking excitedly about the plans last week.
He said: “This is going to be a district-wide facility and it’s something that will benefit our residents considerably.
“I think it’s a development that will give East Hampshire residents something we haven’t got.”
Market research conducted by industry experts identified the W&B centre as the most appropriate location for the attraction given its central location in the district.
Cllr Millard added: “Customer surveys and sector research have shown there is a need of activities for families and young people at the W&B Leisure Centre, when compared to offerings in Petersfield and in Alton.
“That gap in the market and the central position of the W&B Leisure Centre make this the perfect location for the new facilities which will be a huge draw for people from the town and across the district.”
Cllr Millard claimed the proposals have reiterated EHDC’s commitment to leisure provision in the district with new leisure centres in Alton and W&B being opened and the Taro Centre getting a multi-million upgrade since 2020.

Cllr Andy Tree, EHDC deputy leader, said extending W&B Leisure Centre was a political priority for the Whitehill & Bordon Community Party that he leads.
He said: “I am incredibly excited to be announcing these facilities as it demonstrates to my fellow residents across the Whitehill & Bordon area our commitment at EHDC to deliver results.
“It represents a significant investment from the council and from Everyone Active, our leisure operators, and that means it is a clear demonstration of the commitment EHDC has to providing fantastic facilities to Whitehill & Bordon.”
Cllr Tree added: “This decision follows a lot of work from council officers, who we thank for their work.
“We hope our younger residents and families across Whitehill, Bordon, Lindford and the whole of East Hampshire will be able to enjoy these facilities as there is nothing like it anywhere else in the district.”
Robert Smith, Estates Division, deputy head of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, said: “The proposal to extend the leisure centre is another positive step for the delivery of the town centre offering a further attraction for children and families to enjoy.”