THE TRAINING is paying off in a council department as they’ve received a decent report card from an education watchdog.
Waverley Training Services (WTS) have been given a ‘good’ overall rating by Ofsted following a recent inspection.
The department run by Waverley Borough Council delivers work-based learning qualifications, apprenticeships, functional and employability skills to a range of learners.
The skills they pass on allow learners and apprentices to build confidence and then apply the knowledge and skills in the workplace.
A thorough inspection was carried out with all aspects of the WTS inspection framework getting a ‘good’ Grade 2 result across the board.

Inspectors commended bosses on the support offered to apprentices and learners, highlighting the tailored online sessions and the adaptability of staff.
They were also impressed with the “thoughtfully planned programmes” and the highly-motivated staff.
The council’s portfolio holder for planning and economic development, Cllr Liz Townsend BEM, congratulated the team on the result.
She said: “As Chair of Governors, I would like to extend my wholehearted congratulations to the WTS team for filling such a vital gap in education and learning, and for doing it so well.
“The inspection highlighted the work of our motivated staff who are passionate about helping learners and apprentices achieve their best and prepare them well for the next stage in their lives.
“It also highlights the council’s ongoing commitment to provide high-quality training opportunities in Waverley.”