Residents are outraged by the disruption caused by the ongoing development of the Scotland Park housing project.
Elivia Homes is constructing 50 new homes off Scotland Lane, but the project has drawn criticism for harming wildlife, destroying neighbouring walls, and causing noise and dust pollution.
Peter Jevon, who has lived on Scotland Lane for six years, described the chaos caused by heavy-duty lorries, resulting in damaged roads and verges.
Jevon's stone wall was knocked down by what he said could only have been a lorry, causing an estimated £1,000 in damages, yet he’s received no response from Elivia Homes.

“To say I am pretty miffed is putting it lightly,” said Jevon. “There is just no care or concern for the community.”
Other residents echoed these frustrations, describing the previously peaceful road as “a nightmare,” with dust pollution and constant noise from construction vehicles. Julian Marsh also had to repair his wall due to damage by the lorries. He added: “The roads are crumbling” due to heavy traffic.

Another neighbour said: “The road is chaotic. The dust is so bad I can’t open the windows, and I have three small kids. One family can’t keep their car on the road anymore because it keeps getting bashed.”
These complaints follow previous concerns, with Howard Brown, chair of the Haslemere South Residents Association, reporting that two families have lost their cars to flooding and that wildlife has been uprooted due to the development.
A spokesperson for Elivia Homes stated the company is committed to minimising disruption and is taking steps to manage the development's impact on the local community.
Elivia Homes said groundworks to install a drainage pond are almost complete, which will help alleviate dust levels, adding: “Our site team welcomes open conversation with residents and thoroughly investigates any concerns raised.”