Haslemere Town Council has dipped into its treasure chest to help keep the roof over Haslemere Hall’s head.
The council has awarded the hall £40,000 from its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to help replace its roof.
Howard Bicknell, manager of Haslemere Hall, said: “We are extremely grateful and pleased to have been awarded this money. It will go a long way to helping us replace the roof which is in a bad way. While the money won’t cover the entire cost, without it we would never be able to tackle the job at all.
“It really has been an uphill struggle for everyone in the arts industry, especially since the pandemic. Then with the actor and writer strikes last year it meant there were no films to show.
“But we have started 2024 doing much stronger. We have really punched a hole into this year with most of our events and shows selling out.”
While the council’s CIL money will help, the cost of replacing the roof is expected to be much higher than just £40,000. Anyone who wants to donate can do so at the Hall or online at www.justgiving.com/haslemerehall
But there are other ways to help keep the roof over Haslemere Hall’s head, like heading down to see an American Rumble Spectacular at the hall on Friday, March 1.

South Coast powerhouse Anthony Storm is living up to his name, both in single contests and tag-team matches as one half of the Storm Boyz, since returning from a stint in America last year at the famed Santino Brothers Academy in LA.
Leading UK matchmakers Premier Promotions drafted Storm as an ideal opponent to test Bullit, one of the top-ranked heavyweights in the country, at Friday’s match.
Among the other stars in action will be Premier Wrestling Federation champion David Lovejoy and title contender Cameron. Book your tickets on 01428 642161 or head to www.haslemerehall.com