Results are in, and teenagers at a school in Haslemere have received their fateful white envelopes. There were nerves and excitement in equal measure as students at The Royal School in Haslemere opened their A-Level results.

Many pupils celebrated gaining entry to top Russell Group universities, including Manchester, Birmingham, and York. Students are set to study a diverse range of degree courses, from Biomedical Sciences to Environmental Engineering and Digital Marketing, reflecting how the school encourages individuality and academic excellence.

Headmaster Mr Norman said: “As a proudly inclusive school, The Royal is academically ambitious for all its pupils, and this year is consistent with our excellent academic record. We wish them well as they move on, well prepared, to the next chapter in their lives.”

Among the successful students is Head Girl Millie, who has been with the school since Year 5. She will study Biomedical Sciences at the University of Manchester, a step towards her ambition of practising biomedicine in the army.

Harry, who joined in Year 9, plans to pursue Physics at university after a gap year working in a research lab. He began flexi-boarding in Year 12 and moved to full-time boarding in Year 13. He said: “Boarding helped me stay motivated and become more independent. I couldn't shy away from my responsibilities at school.”

Georgie, a talented music performer who joined in Year 7, has secured a place to study Psychology. She said the key to her success was the supportive environment and small class sizes.