After reading the heartbreaking story of Charlie Cosser, a local resident was moved to action. Inspired by the strength of Charlie’s family and the need to support their cause, Adrian White came up for the idea for Together We Can. This charity event, set to raise funds for Charlie’s Promise, will support a family shattered by tragedy.
Charlie’s Promise was established in memory of Charlie Cosser, who tragically lost his life on July 22, 2023, after being fatally stabbed at a house party in West Sussex. His father, Martin, made a vow to Charlie while he fought for his life on life support — to raise awareness about the devastating impact of knife crime. Martin’s promise has now become the heart of a charity dedicated to preventing knife crime and supporting affected families.

Martin said: “The impact on the whole family is immeasurable; the words do not exist to describe our loss and what it has done to us. ‘Cheeks’ was the heartbeat of our family, cheeky and charming from day one.
“The charity keeps Charlie alive and gives him the legacy he deserves. It’s Charlie that gives me the strength to do it, and if even one person’s life can be saved, then that’s Charlie doing that, not me.”
The Together We Can event will feature performances by bands, including The Cover Story, Laurel Canyon Band, The Happy Now and Tritone.
The event will be at Godalming Borough Hall on Saturday, December 7, from 7pm to 11pm. Tickets are available at: