Six new homes are to be built in Catherington after planners gave the green light despite objections over the site’s archaeological significance and parking concerns.
Developer 6a Vision Homes Ltd was granted permission to build six houses with associated access, carports, parking and landscaping following the demolition of the existing barn on Parsonage Farm.
East Hampshire District planning committee approved the plans after their site visit because of a lack of housing in the area.
Despite objections, council minutes said that as there was not a five-year housing land supply. Tilted balance meant that unless there were adverse impacts significantly and demonstrably outweighing the benefits, it should be approved.
One concern was the loss of the public layby but planning officers said it would be available to the public at all times. Reports said: “Signage is proposed to identify that there would be public parking spaces.”

Councillor Sara Schillemore for Horndean Catherington, said the land was of historical interest, as it used to be owned by Lord Hood and was visited by Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson.
The committee said the developer should be respectful of the site’s archaeology during all phases and an archaeological survey of the site will also be made.
Cllr Schillemore confirmed that residents were broadly in favour of the proposed development but in her view, there had not been sufficient public consultation.
Hampshire’s highways department carried out a survey during school hours and deemed that any additional or ad hoc parking along Catherington Lane from the homes would be acceptable.