Regan Hitch is learning to walk again after being tackled by his mates while playing football.
Last month, the Herald reported on how Regan, known as ‘Reggie’, was at football training when two of his teammates ran into him and tackled him.

On impact, one of his teammates rolled over onto his side and onto Regan's knee.
Regan fell to the floor in pain and was taken to the hospital where doctors told him that he had torn his anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), medial collateral ligament (MCL) and cruciate, with only one ligament left holding it all together.
He then underwent surgery on his hamstring, at Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, on November 14 to take two tendons out of the hamstring before repairing it and before starting rehabilitation in December.
Since the injury, Regan has been off the pitch and doesn't know if he will be able to play football again.

Regan, a tree surgeon from Alton said: "Mentally it’s tough but I’ve now come to terms with the severity of the injury.
"The novelty is still there but there is a flow of friends and family visiting me which is nice."
Regan was training with his team Alton Phoenix FC when he and two other players collided.
He knew "straight away" that he had torn the ligaments in his knee.
He said: "I knew straight away, my brother ran over and he saw the position of my knee and I told him that I had done my knee in.
"It was just awful, when the physio popped my knee back in, I had a strange indent - fatty cyst - which she knew wasn't right."
Regan then was treated at Basingstoke hospital where they repaired his hamstring.
After the surgery, Regan began rehabilitation but is still using crutches and carefully managing the weight he puts on his leg.
Until Regan is assessed he can start moving forward.

Regan said: "There’s a little bit of pain there but during the first couple of days since the injury I could barely put my foot on the floor.
"It was more a consultation but it was good for peace of mind. She was happy with the way that I’m doing which was good to hear."
Regan's brace is currently set at 90 degrees and he can't exceed that but currently remains on crutches.
Since the accident, Regan has not been able to get back onto the pitch and fears this is the end of his football career.
He said: "It’s one of them for me which has put a total stop on everything.
"I’m stuck in between four walls all day for six months which is probably the biggest issue.
"I did so much exercise and I’m lucky if I’m getting three hours sleep. I’m in discomfort and my knee is still sore.
He has not given up hope of resuming his sporting career.
He said: "I had my first physio session last week and she asked if I wanted to play football and my honest answer was 'of course’.
Over the past few weeks, Regan's friends have rallied around to raise money for him to pay for his bills while he is unable to work.
Regan's best friend, Olly Dickson, 28, set up a GoFundMe page, which has so far raised more than £3,000.
Olly, a business developer, from Alton, said: "From my perspective, it was really hard to see. I felt a lot of guilt and responsibility. It weighed heavy on me as his life had been turned upside down.
"The injury was catastrophic. His recovery will take at least 12 to 24 months, involving gruelling rehab sessions at £45 per session."
To support Regan’s recovery visit.