Haslemere South Residents Association (HSRA) has slammed developers for appealing against Waverley Borough Council’s rejection of its plans to build up to 111 homes at Scotland Park, off Midhurst Road.
Redwood (South West) Ltd has appealed on the grounds that the Local Plan is out of date and the development is necessary for Waverley to meet its housing targets.

The plan was rejected because of its impact on the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). HSRA has said “residents need to understand that underneath their noses, the beautiful Red Court countryside to the south of their town is under immediate threat from a major housing development”.
HSRA claim the development is not in a ‘sustainable’ location as walking and cycling along the hilly Midhurst Road into Haslemere is not safe or feasible for most, and that most of the homes will not be ‘affordable’ for local key workers. Deadline for public feedback to the planning inquiry is October 13.
Head to https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk using reference number 3327643 to have your say.