Woolmer Hill School in Haslemere has submitted plans for a new teaching block and drama studio to accommodate an increase in student numbers.
The new two-storey building is proposed on the site of the secondary school's current play area to the north of the main school buildings. A replacement hard play area will be provided near the school entrance.
It has been designed to provide six new English classrooms and a replacement learning resource centre.
Extensions to the existing school buildings are also proposed to provide a drama studio linked to the existing studio, a new ‘Grab and Go food pod’ linked to the existing kitchen, and a lift to enhance accessibility to the first floor.

It comes after Woolmer Hill’s published admissions number (PAN) was increased three years ago from 150 to 180 students per year.
Its planning application states: “As the school was originally built on the basis of a significantly lower roll, there is now insufficient accommodation. To enable the school to host five full year groups of 180 students, there is the need to increase the accommodation on site.”
The new building will be “shaped to give a modern appearance” with a mix of mono pitched roofs and a central flat roof, brickwork at low level and grey zinc cladding at upper level.
Woolmer Hill School is a member of the Weydon Multi-Academy Trust. View the plans here.