A PUB in Sheet is renaming one of its beers in memory of a rugby-loving Petersfield Post and Herald reporter.
People who join the Jon Walker Memorial Walk later this month can raise a glass of its namesake bitter in the Queen’s Head.
The pub will be serving pints of Walker’s Walk Best Bitter - otherwise called Penny Black - for just £1 with proceeds going to The Rosemary Foundation.
“We knew Jon fairly well from the rugby club and both his boys worked here,” said landlord, Jonathan Berry.
“One of his sons, Adam, still works here so we’re happy to get involved with this.”

Bookings are now being taken for the evening walk on Friday, September 29, in aid of the Rosemary Foundation. Tickets are free but a £5 donation has been suggested for the hospice at home charity which cared for Jon and his family.
The circular walks will begin at The Townhouse, Harrow Inn and Queen’s Head at 5.30pm and will include a 30-minute stop in each of Jon’s former haunts.
Places on each walk will be limited to 30 due to insurance reasons and can be booked by following ‘The Walks 2023’ link at www.petersfieldwalkingfestival.co.uk and scrolling down to Walk 49.
The Jon Walker Memorial Walk: Remembering Loved Ones Lost route is an addition to the Petersfield Walking Festival programme and is expected to become an annual event.

Each walk will have its own leader and support team with Beth Svarovska being accompanied by the Shine Radio P-Pod team on the Townhouse route.
Adam Walker will join Petersfield Walking Festival brainchild Malinka Van der Gaauw on the Queen’s Head circuit while Post editor, Colin Channon, and Petersfield Ramblers chairman, Lynne Burge, will accompany Jenny Broadhead from The Harrow.
Organisers would like to thank Jon’s family, the participating pubs, Petersfield Post, Shine Radio, Petersfield Society, Petersfield Walking Festival and Petersfield Rugby Club for their support.