A ten-year-old from Midhurst has really stepped up for the RNLI.
Nathan Jones decided to walk 200 miles for the Selsey branch of the RNLI for his tenth birthday. Just like him, the RNLI had a big birthday this year and Nathan started walking on December 12, his birthday, and walked until the RNLI’s 200th birthday this March.
Nathan originally hoped to raise £200 but had to keep upping his target as the donations came flooding in, with £2,145 raised so far.

And Nathan wasn’t alone when he finished his 200-mile walk on Selsey beach on March 3. He was joined by the RNLI crew, the Shanty Men, 28 of his friends and classmates and even his teacher. Nathan has really inspired a community with his walk, with the RNLI attending his school for an assembly and Midhurst Primary even doing a sponsored ‘wear your wellies’ to school day which added £200 to Nathan’s fundraising efforts.
Scott Imb, Nathan’s teacher, said: “Nathan is truly inspirational. The school is now thinking of launching a charity week – all because of Nathan.”
Even local businesses have sponsored the young philanthropist in his charity challenge.
“I really like helping people,” said Nathan. “I wanted to do something for charity and I love going to the lifeboat station in Selsey. It has been amazing.”

His aunt Jenny Jackson and Uncle Rich have been with him every step of the way. Jenny said: “Nathan is such an amazing boy. He decided he wanted to do this walk and just said ‘yep I’ve got this, I’m not going to give up’ – even when he hurt his knee! Sometimes it was him that got us up and out the door. We are so proud of Nathan for taking on this challenge.”
There is still time to donate at https://justgiving.com/page/nathans-200-miles-rnli