Liphook has gone bloomin’ mad this summer with the Liphook in Bloom Sunflower Competition.

There were several categories this year: tallest, most blooms, most unusual, best display in a pot, and funniest. Participants sent in photos and measurements of their sunflowers, which were featured on a leaderboard on the Liphook in Bloom website.

On August 19, judges Dr Sue Moss from the RHS and Millie Moss, with Liphook in Bloom organisers, visited the top contenders. The tallest sunflower, grown by Thomas Simmons, reached an impressive 3.6m. Peter Dennis won the most blooms category with a sunflower boasting 20 blooms, grown from a seedling provided by Liphook in Bloom. Paul Johnson’s small, multi-headed fluffy sunflower claimed the ‘most unusual’ title, while Number One The Square took the prize for best display in a pot.

The awards ceremony on 30 August saw winners receiving mugs designed by Grayshott Pottery, and certificates for highly commended entries.