Five Girl Guides and their leader are trying to raise money for a trip to Tanzania.

The participants from Liphook Girlguiding District are trying to raise £2,500 each for a journey to Zanzibar during October half-term.

On the excursion, the Guides will help with building work, painting and renovating schools and assist in teaching and sports coaching. Some of the funds were raised at the Liphook Duck Race in June.

“The Liphook Duck race was solely organised by myself, in order to fundraise for Girlguiding trips,” said leader Paige Anderson.

“This was the 2nd year that the duck race was organised and was a fantastic family day that helped with the fundraising. It especially helped that the sun came out! 

“Fundraising has also consisted of stalls at local school fairs and bake sales.”

One of the girls selected to go on the trip said: “I set myself a target of £1,500 to fundraise. I have already raised that amount and am continuing to raise some more before I go in the autumn, so I can buy some things to take with me. 

“I completed a sponsored dive at Guildford Spectrum back in December and raised over £450, it was a great achievement!

“I can’t wait to go on the trip to see the school, to help teach the local children and to learn all about their country and culture. I am so excited to go and help them!”