The streets of Haslemere fell silent last Sunday as hundreds gathered for the annual Remembrance Service.
Following a service at St. Bartholomew’s, uniformed cadets, scouts, and other youth organisations, including the Brownies, joined community members and civic leaders in a solemn procession through the streets to the town's war memorial. As the procession turned onto the High Street, the Haslemere Town Band played The Last Post. Though the two-minute silence had yet to officially begin, the crowd had already fallen into respectful quiet, honouring those who gave their tomorrows for our today.
Reverend Chris Bessant and mayor Olly Leach led the crowd in remembrance, with the rector offering prayers not only for those who have sacrificed their lives in past conflicts, but also for those facing the tragedies of war today. Special prayers were said for peace in Gaza and Ukraine, and the gravity of these ongoing conflicts was felt profoundly by all in attendance.

Cllr Leach read the names of Haslemere residents who lost their lives in the two World Wars as many residents gathered to lay wreaths at the memorial The town was also invited to remember "those whose names we shall never know” but whose sacrifice for our freedom was no less great.
MP Greg Stafford also placed a wreath at Haslemere’s memorial. He said, “I am proud to represent four towns with such a proud military history. Over this weekend, I had the privilege of laying wreaths at each of their memorials."
He added: “Remembrance Sunday is the most significant commemoration we have as a nation. We must remember all those who have given, and continue to give, their lives in service, safeguarding our freedom and defending against tyranny. The world climate today is a much more dangerous place, especially for young people, and it is important to understand the sacrifices made by those who have served – and continue to serve."
Cllr Leach said: “It is a proud day for Haslemere to remember those who have given their lives for us.”
He also thanked everyone who attended and gave their time to help the event run smoothly.
It is thanks to former mayor Fay Foster that Haslemere’s youth groups join the parade and service. In 1976 Fay was running the Haslemere Guides when it was decided young people would no longer march. Fay and her Guides “were furious” and decided to march anyway.
She said: “That did it. It appears all the other youth groups started demanding why they couldn’t be in the procession too. The following year they were all back and, apart from lockdown, have been an integral part of the service and ceremony since.”