IF you stuff yourself with tea, coffee and cake for Macmillan tomorrow morning, then why not walk it off with a pub walk in the evening?
That’s exactly what dozens of people are doing this Friday (September 29) around Petersfield in memory of a Post and Herald reporter who died in March this year of cancer.

The weather forecast is looking good for the day of the inaugural Jon Walker Memorial Walk in aid of the Rosemary Foundation with three circular treks taking place.
The Townhouse, Harrow Inn and Queens Head will be the start points with each guided walk beginning at 5.30pm.
The route is about 3.8 miles long and will include a 30-minute stopover in each pub, which were all favourite haunts of the rugby-loving hack.

The event organised by Beth Svarovska and Malinka van der Gaauw is part of the Petersfield Walking Festival calendar and is expected to become an annual event.
It’s not too late to sign up with a £5 donation to the Rosemary Foundation suggested. Follow ‘The Walks 2023’ link at www.petersfieldwalkingfestival.co.uk and scroll down to Walk 49 to register.