An afternoon of fun has been organised this weekend in memory of a man “with a heart of gold” who died a year ago.
Philip Shearman was a familiar face around Alton but died suddenly of a heart attack.
His sister Ann Leadbeater said: “He went out with his friend to do a job, and we got a phone call to say he had just stopped breathing.
“He was only 56 and there had been no warning – the heart attack came out of the blue.
“It was very difficult for the family afterwards as we were stopped every time we went out, with people wanting to stop and talk about Philip, as he was known by so many people.

“We worked in the town and would think nothing of spending ages under the water with an air tank strapped on his bank, cleaning the old sports centre pool. He lived for motorbikes and cars and had a heart of gold – he’d give his last penny to someone if they needed it.”
A charity fundraiser has been organised at The Castle of Comfort pub in Medstead this Saturday from 3pm.
There will be stalls, a barbecue, a cake sale and photo booth, with music during the afternoon and a band in the evening.
Money will be raised for the British Heart Foundation and the Meningitis Trust.
Ann added: “It would be lovely to see family and old friends during the afternoon and evening, and also to meet new friends who would like to come and join us for a day of fun.
“We have all got to enjoy life while we can – no-one knows when their time is up.”