Businessmen and women who are hungry to succeed should book a table at Passfield Social Club next Wednesday.

Networking will be the dish of the day when East Hampshire District Council holds its latest business breakfast.

There will be plenty of good advice for guests to digest from 8am to 10am at the Passfield Road venue.

Business figures will get the chance to come together and network over breakfast and hear from multiple organisations about available employment support programmes.

Sarah Flamson, skills lead at EHDC, and Sarah Burch, apprentice support and knowledge advisor, will ask attendees if their business can benefit from taking on an apprentice.

Guests can learn how the DWP can support their business while Aaron Butson of HSDC Alton College Campus will talk about upskilling opportunities and Julie McLatch, EHDC business development lead, will give the lowdown on green skills training.

Email [email protected] to book a place.