Up-in-arms residents have put a stop to a controversial parking permit scheme.
The Hyde Housing scheme was introduced on Hammer Hill Estate in Lynchmere without consultation.
When resident Stuart Wyman tried to get a permit, he was told the scheme’s implementation was some way off. But when signs appeared in January, residents feared they would get slapped with a £100 fine before they could even get a permit.

Stuart was particularly concerned about elderly residents, most of whom don’t have online access.
Of the 100 people who live on the estate, 94 signed a petition to get the scheme stopped. Several meetings were held with Hyde Housing and, in April, the scheme was paused; in May it was stopped.
Stuart said: “I think what happened was one person complained and then it just snowballed. But the community came together, operating as one voice. Without the weight of Lynchmere Parish Council I think we would probably still be fighting it, but they brought Hyde to the table and once Hyde saw there was no benefit to the scheme they were happy to stop it.

“The estate only breathed a sigh of relief when the signs were removed. It might seem like a small thing to a lot of people but it is a big deal to all of us at the estate.”
Lynchmere Parish Council said: 'We were pleased to work with Hyde on the car park permit scheme, brought in without consultation on part of the Hammer Hill Estate, and which caused more problems than it solved. Following meetings arranged with Hyde and Hammer Hill residents the scheme has now been officially removed.”
A spokesperson for Hyde Housing said: “We’re always looking to make improvements and we’re delighted that the changes we’ve made at Hammer Hill have made a positive impact on local residents."