Climate group calls on Haslemere’s new MP to push the government to make good on its green promises.

Following the general election, Clive Davidson, chair of Transition Haslemere, said the group is pleased by the immediate steps the new government has already taken to address climate and environmental issues – including lifting the ban on onshore wind generation and the Great British Energy Bill for accelerating investment in renewable energy.

But he said: “Announcements are one thing, delivery is another. For many local residents, action on climate and biodiversity was a key criterion in their voting decisions.

“There has been growing concern about green issues across our two new constituencies – Farnham and Bordon and Godalming and Ash – with the state of our rivers arousing particular alarm. The River Wey, which rises on Black Down just outside Haslemere and meanders through both constituencies on its way to join the Thames, is subject to sewage discharge with dismaying frequency.”

Davidson added: “We don't yet know how our new MP for Farnham and Bordon, Greg Stafford, will represent constituents' concerns on these matters in Parliament. Stafford did not attend the climate and biodiversity hustings before the election organised by a coalition of local green groups, nor did he answer the written questions put to all candidates by the Alton Climate Action Network.

“Hopefully, he will acknowledge the urgency for action on climate and biodiversity – for our and future generations as well – and push the new government to make good on its green promises.”