A jury has found a Bordon man guilty of murdering his 44-year-old mother at her house in Petersfield.
Anarlyn Jones will be sentenced next year after jurors came to a verdict following a nine-day trial at Portsmouth Crown Court.
The 26-year-old of Jacaranda Road – who was formerly known as Bronwyn Jones but now identifies as male – was charged with murdering his mother, Anna Jones, at her flat in Station Road on May 9, 2023.
Police arrested the defendant at the scene with Jones also being seen in bloodstained clothes and “looking like something out of a horror film”.
The jury heard Jones had called 999 and told the operator that he had repeatedly stabbed his mother, but that she had begged him to do it and demons were responsible, which he repeated to officers at the scene.

But the prosecution claimed Anarlyn killed his mother in a “fit of rage” after consuming a significant amount of alcohol, while neighbours saw him carrying a bottle of brandy and uttering “I’ve killed her, I’ve killed her”.
Anarlyn denied alcohol and anger were the cause and claimed his mother had begged to be killed due to health problems, but then changed her mind during the attack.
But the court also heard that Anna Jones had 'struggled vigorously' for her life.
The defendant, who denied murder but had admitted to a charge of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility, will be sentenced on January 31.