These ‘then’ and ‘now’ photos of Bentley station were taken by Tom Webster, and kick off a new series of photos Tom took during the pandemic.
Tom said: “Back in 2020 during the lockdowns my mental health took a knock so I bought myself an ex-Royal Mail post bike and I explored the local area.
“My other passion is railways I have an old Branchlines to Longmoor book and I decided to try to find what’s left of the Bordon light railway and the Longmoor Military Railway.

“With all the new building work going on in Bordon, I wanted to find it before it was too late.
“For me we should remember where we’ve come from to help us to know where we’re going. Not a lot of the railways, or indeed Bordon’s heritage is left.”
The first ‘then’ photo shows an undated photo of Bentley station when there was seemingly a third platform in operation, one assumes when the Bordon Light Railway was still in operation. Can any readers tell us more? Email [email protected]