Everybody has been touched by cancer. Whether it’s you or someone you know, the disease’s fingers have left no family alone.
Adam Wade, originally from South Africa, has lived in Haslemere for seven years and knows too well the devastating impact cancer can have on a family. He lost his grandfather Victor to prostate cancer and when his father, Philip, got it as well, Adam feared the worst.
Thankfully research, diagnosis and treatment has improved and Adam’s father won his battle. Even so, Adam has recently been on an incredible, and sadly cut short, fundraising adventure for Prostate Cancer UK.
“It’s like putting a down-payment on my future,” said Adam. “Looking at my family history, it is very likely that I could get it.”
Adam set off for Iceland last Monday to undertake a fundraising expedition which would have been challenging for even the most experienced runner.

The plan is to run 740km, or 460 miles, across Iceland, unsupported, with his tent and supplies strapped to his back.
Adam chose Iceland for its remote and unique environment, but the petrol stations consist of a pump for fuel, and not much else.
This meant Adam’s backpack was filled with more water and food than anticipated, making the total weight he was running with, tent and clothes included, a whopping 19kg. The result was an injury that left Adam hobbling just four days in, and only 185km, or 115 miles, down.
Adam is “absolutely heartbroken” to have been forced to finish before completion. But he said: “It is only a failure if you don’t learn anything from it. It wasn’t the success I was expecting, but I’ve learnt a lot of lessons and that makes it a success.”
Adam will be putting his lessons to the test next year when he re-attempts the challenge, this time supported by his wife and daughter who will be on supply duty. All £1,195 raised so far will go to Prostate Cancer UK.